Today, at about 9 AM, I was coming out of the subway: the 6 train headed downtown, coming up the stairs out of the City Hall/BK Bridge stop.
Going up the stairs, pervert was filming up my skirt. I wouldn't have noticed had he not reached up for a tug at my panties.
He was wearing typical business attire (so he blends right in with the suits around her in the financial district.) He had two white ear pieces, a black cloth material briefcase hanging off his left shoulder, and a camera (tiny and professional looking) in his left hand.
Once I realized what was going on, he slipped around me and tried to get away. I gave chase. I followed this man for BLOCKS. Around corners, inbetween cars, through traffic. I was trying to get a pic, but we were moving so fast, it was no use. MY FEET ARE BLOODY from the chase. I was determined not to let him get away.
I call 911 and tell them what cross street I'm at, tell the operator what happened, could she send help. She informs me that unless I stop and give her a specific street address, she cannot send me any help. ARE YOU SERIOUS???? I tell her if I do that, he will get away. She says, "That's up to you" with a tone indicating that she really couldn't care any less about my emergency.
After another 3 blocks, I see a police car. I flag them down, tell them quickly what happened, by this time I'm very upset and agitated. They pull over, SLOWLY get out of the car. I point out the gentleman. The male cop sees him and STROLLS DOWN THE BLOCK TOWARDS HIM, meanwhile, the perv is high tailing it around the block. The cops says to me, "Oh, is that him turning the corner there? Hmm." And THEY DO NOTHING!! THEY MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO APPREHEND HIM. They stroll to the corner, look around, look at each other and say, "Yeah, he probably ran into a building. But you're ok, right? We have a description. We will circulate it." We walk past another cop who asks what happens. The cops I'm with tell him. He stares at me, mouth agap, and says, "Are you serious? Aw, well, don't let it ruin your day." And smiles at me. He smiled at me.
That's pretty much when I lost it. My face crumpled right there and I couldn't help but cry. I walked back to my office in tears. Being attacked, violated, and then being dismissed by the police was too much. I'm furious.
I'm surprised at just how offended and violated I feel. I have no idea how long he was taping me for, if has film of my face, I don't know what's going to happen to that film. And I can't believe the police watched him walk away. I would just like my story to get out, so others can know what women go through when they do go through the trouble of reporting these attacks. Maybe something will be done so the next time a woman runs through the streets, crying, and pleading for help, the police will actually help.
Submitted by Anonymous