Sunday, December 14, 2008

Eyes, Tongue, Mouth: All out of Line

I am only 17 years old and I have not experienced that much cat calling or harassment. I have gotten very few, but they were only things like, "hey beautiful". But today while waiting on the uptown 28th street subway platform for the 1 train, a man walks onto the platform, he had to be anywhere between his 30's or 40's. He's rolling some boxes and other cargo in through the emergency gate. I am sitting down on one of the seats right next to the gate, I had just missed the last subway by a second so I knew I had a wait till the next one came. I have this weird feeling coming over me. I had realized that the man with the boxes was just leaning against the emergency gate, and he had been for a while. He was right by me and it came off as a little awkward, because I had that "I'm being watched feeling" coming on. I look over and he's looking right at me. When I looked at him, he stuck his tongue out ALL THE WAY in a licking motion right at me, all while grinning this evil look. He then proceeded to say, "lookin' good, lookin' good!".

I knew about Hollaback NYC, and I did have my phone on me. I wanted to take a picture so badly, but my hands seemed frozen and the hairs on my neck were standing up, and my stomach felt like it was going to fall out. I know it may not sound so bad to some of you, but I have never received something to this extent before. I couldn't bring myself to grab my camera phone and bust his dumb ass, I was in this state of after shock. He walked away right after and proceeded to chat some other women up further down the platform, while I was left in the chair feeling helpless.

I made sure we got into separate cars FAR away from each other when the subway finally came (after that it felt like an eternity). When my stop came, you can bet I ran out of the subway so fast. I didn't know if we got out at the same stops, but I wasn't about to find out.

Submitted by Susanna

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