Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mother/Daughter Degradation

I was driving with my daughter when we got to a red light. We notice a truck backing up (with cars behind him) and stops so our car windows meet. It was hot out so our windows were down, and he yells to get our attention. Now he had a boy sitting next to him who looked to be no older than 12. As he catcalls us, I am shocked, but my daughter always quick to think, exchanges a few words with him.

Jerk: Hey mamis, how about you say we go and double date right now, in my pants.
My Daughter: In your dreams perv.
Jerk: What you to good for me? Am I not your type.
Daughter: NO! We don't date assholes...and you aren't worth our time.

By then the light changes and we go off, but I remember how horrible that can make you feel, as I am usually with my husband and don't have to deal with that, but my 16 year old daughter does, who looks younger than she is. She tells me things like that happen to her daily, and it makes me so angry that she can't go through a day without feeling disrespected. Also the poor boy sitting next to that man (probably his dad) will just learn from him to disrespect women too. It's unfortunate theres nothing more we can do, but I am so proud of my daughter for speaking up and I encourage every women to do the same, so we can put these assholes in their place!

Submitted by S.

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