Monday, May 24, 2010

And your thoughts on solving the AIDS crisis?

Was at the bar last night, and I met a friend of my boyfriend's for the first time. When my boyfriend left to get another drink, I was telling the man I'd just met about my job. He seemed like he was listening, and he was nodding. Then he interrupted me and said "yeah, yeah, blah, you have really nice tits". Everyone around the table seemed a bit uncomfortable, but no one said anything, just laughter. I didn't know what to say, and everyone was laughing. I knew I wasn't going to be leaving the bar anytime soon, so if I said something I would be ensnared into an ethical conversation about "complimenting women". So I just said thank you, in an effort to move the conversation to something other than my "nice tits".

Submitted by Jessi

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