Monday, October 30, 2006

No, Tom Cruise. I Don't Want to Pee with You.

I'm at a Halloween party in Williamsburg on Graham and Frost waiting for the toilet. As I get up to the door, a dude dressed as Tom Cruise with an ego to match comes up to me:

Tom: Can I go in with you?
Me: I don't think so dude.
Tom: C'mon!
Me: (shaking head) No.
Tom: I won't look. What are you scared I'm going to see something? I won't look. I'll pee in the shower.
Me: No.
Tom: C'mon!

The door opens and I slip in. As the door shuts behind me he forces it back open and thrusts himself into the bathroom. Next thing I know he's standing next to me. With reflexes that were must more impressive than my zombie costume might have suggested, I pushed him backwards as hard as I could. He fell outside of the bathroom and I locked the door.

Adrenaline still pumping, I got my boyfriend to take this picture of him. As I stood there shaken and scared, he was dancing.

Submitted by Emily

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