Friday, October 6, 2006

Karma: Street harassment has a new best friend

I live in the mountains in Southern California. There are a few hillbillies up here and some of these men are downright stupid. I was driving on a main road town. The speed limit is 35 MPH. I was trying to find a street on the left and slowed down to see the street sign. Nope that wasn't it, so I went on to the next street. By this time I had a good ol' boy on my tail. I could hear him yelling "move it ya fuckin cunt" and I hurriedly turned left onto my street, to get the hell out of his way.
As he drove on I turned my head to see him shaking his fist at me, yelling "I should fuckin kill you bitch" and as he was looking at me he rounded the blind curve.
Next thing I hear is a big crash. No brakes no nothing.
I didn't dare go to investigate, I was afraid that this guy might have a gun or just come over and beat me up. I checked the local alerts and it said "traffic collision, man in green truck bleeding".
He got what he deserved, I just hope no one else was hurt as well. Road rage at its finest.

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