My friend and I were waiting for a table a restaurant bar, chatting, as we so often do, about yacht rock, when we observed this repellent exhibit. He was giving us the Atomic Super-
Leer, which is a
leer that goes beyond Gross Ogle and crosses over into Aggressive Scrutiny, in terms of both perviness and duration (this one lasted a full five minutes). This dude's
leer was positively throbbing. A zombie-like sort of creepy entitlement oozed out of him, too, as though he didn't realize he was actually out in public staring at actual humans rather than crouching in a fetishy sweat over his home computer porn-delivery system. At the same time, since it was obvious there was a porn flick playing in his tiny brain, he also conveyed a crushing sense of inferiority. Thanks, Jackass. May your quiet desperation cripple you for life.
Submitted by Twisty.
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