Monday, April 11, 2011

Recent journals

The IPKat welcomes the newly-launched Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property which, as its title suggests, is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal about intellectual property which originates from the IPKat's friends and colleagues at Queen Mary, University of London. The journal's home page is here and you can browse the contents here The editorial board is here and there's lots more besides. The contribution of this member of the blog team, being a little note on one of his favourite cases -- Case C-208/09 Ilonka Sayn-Wittgenstein v Landeshauptmann von Wien, Court of Justice of the European Union (Second Chamber), 22 December 2010 -- can be read here.  Well done, lads and lasses -- and well done Edgard Elgar Publishing, who are publishing it at a relatively affordable subscription: institutions £250/$450 (print and online); £220/$360 (online only); individuals £100/$170 (print and online), £60/$95 (online only).

The April 2011 issue of Managing Intellectual Property magazine (Euromoney, ten times a year) has a somewhat Kindlesque feel to it, with a cover story, "How to Profit from Pirates", which is subtitled "why book publishers must learn the lessons from music and film".  This issue is absolutely dripping with good content, including the IPKat's pick of the month, Peter J. Kinsella's "Five big licensing mistakes" (Merpel's sure there are more than five, but the author, of Perkins Coie, doesn't say there are only five. The observations of Mike Lynd (Marks & Clerk) on the increasingly popular practice of registering "partial" trade marks is also worth a read.  If you are in need of guidance regarding the enforcement of your IP rights in Algeria and Morocco, the Kats feel some sympathy for you -- but you'll find some crumbs of practical comfort here too.  Check the contents of this issue here.

Intellectual Property Magazine has now reached its first anniversary following its birth, rising from the metaphorical ashes of the late Trademark World, Copyright World and Patent World.  Its April 2011 issue has a non-too-appealing cover, but the contents are fortunately more appetising. Short and sweet, but definitely worth a read, is "What happens when the country you outsource to goes dark?", by Sharon Griffin (MBM Intellectual Property Law LLP), since it has a handy triage checklist which, if too late for people who have already outsourced their IP manufacture to Middle East war zones, will be very useful for those who haven't yet done so but are about to.  You can visit the magazine's website here.

For those who prefer a more scholarly approach to their IP and don't mind it if they can't already see the end of an article before they decide to read the beginning of it, the Intellectual Property Quarterly (Sweet & Maxwell) will usually give satisfaction.  Edited by the IPKat's friend Margaret Llewelyn, the IPQ's most recent issue is a rich mine for copyright enthusiasts to excavate.  David Booton's "The Informal Acquisition of Copyright" was particularly appreciated for giving this Kat not only a fresh insight or two but also a fresh concept to try out on his friends.

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