Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday miscellany

"Pass the Katsup"
The IPKat is delighted to discover how many people will be sharing the TIPLO dinner with him this coming Wednesday -- though he thinks there may still be room for a few more. Young and aspiring IP-ers are reminded that there's a special price just for them -- there's also the added attraction of Lord Justice Jacob in the chair. Full details here.

Perhaps of more immediate interest to the Big League is Managing Intellectual Property magazine's first ever International Patent Forum, coming up in London on 5 and 6 April.  This event, when the IPKat wrote about the programme here, generated an unprecedented volume of readers' comments for anything he has ever written about conferences.  While it might stretch the pockets of students, trainees and the newly-qualified, the range of topics covered and the credentials of the speakers on display will appeal to the discerning conference connoisseur.  Check out the programme and register here and you will be entitled to enjoy the 20% IPKat readers' registration discount.

If you like
the look, you'll
love the feel!
Look and feel.  The IPKat's friend Caroline Ncube, of Cape Town University, South Africa, is currently doing some research into the law that governs the potential which the tort of passing off has to offer for protecting the look and feel of a website.  So far she has only unearthed Lifestyle Management Ltd. v Frater [2010] EWHC 3258 (TCC) (10 December 2010, noted by the IPKat here).  She asks: "Would you know of any case law or scholarly publications on this point? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated".   Please post your suggestions as comments below, says the IPKat, so we can all enjoy them.

World Trademark Review's latest Global Trademark Benchmarking Survey  is now open and awaits your response.  As WTR's Adam Smith explains:
"We have conducted this survey two years previously and it has always collected insightful results. The first year it revealed how the trade mark industry was coping with the economic downturn, while last year the results showed how many in-house counsel still find it hard to foster cross-company understanding for trade marks. The uniqueness of the survey is that it looks at both sides of the profession: for example, how in-house counsel believe fee structures are changing, and how much of a shift away from hourly rates external counsel are willing to admit to. 
On behalf of each survey participant, WTR will make a donation to a charity chosen by the participant – either the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation or WaterAid. The results of the survey, together with full analysis based on interviews with trademark industry insiders, will be published in Issue 31 of WTR magazine, the issue we’ll take with us to INTA in May".
To complete the in-house survey, click here. To complete the private practice survey, click here.

Before charity fatigue kicks in, let's not forget the IPKat's friend and JIPLP contributor Bratin Roy.  Despite being of apparently sane mind, Bratin is running the London Marathon on 17 April.  Since he will no doubt be shedding many pounds, he would like you to do likewise, donating some cash for two charities that are close to his heart.  To find out more, and indeed to sponsor Bratin's worthy causes, click here.

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