Wednesday, June 16, 2010

This Week in Street Harassment...

The New York Times covers “Hey Baby,” the street harassment video game. I was shocked the author hadn’t experienced street harassment personally, until I noticed the name “Seth” in the by-line…woops!

Also, listen to our own Emily May discuss the video game with the creator on NPR:

***Favorite Emily quote of the interview: “No, I did not like shooting guys at all. I will be totally frank. It totally freaked me out… I would much rather have had a bar of soap to go around washing their mouths out with than I would a gun.”

For anyone in your life who needs an educational introduction to the problem of street harassment, Melody Thomas “calls out the catcallers” and even gives a shout out to Hollaback!

Miss D.C. has been speaking out about street harassment, and defends her position in a new interview:

Here is an update on global street harassment and the response to “eve teasing” in Bangladesh:

More coverage of “Eve Teasing Protection Day” is available here:

And finally, let’s not forget that HOLLABACK LONDON has LAUNCHED!!!!! I heart solidarity. Also, how awesome is the nail art at Wah Nails, supporters of the movement to end street harassment ?!?! I’m not usually a big manicure girl, but these guys might have turned me into a believer.

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