Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cell Phones Used to Report Rapes in Guinea

Mobile phones are being used increasingly across the world to track violence against women, although there are still challenges. Check out this article from Gender Across Borders:
A women’s rights advocate in Guinea noted that “some lost their lives particularly because they took pictures; this is a new trend in Guinea. It is a first in our history. Guineans now have access to mobile phones and, despite their degrading nature, women are in the process of breaking silence and participating in circulating pictures.”
The article goes on to talk about the pitfalls of citizen journalism, and how many of the images have not been picked up by the traditional media because their credibility is questioned. Still, these images have started a conversation and brought attention to rapes that would have otherwise gone unreported -- ultimately breaking the silence. My heart goes out to those that lost their lives in the process. They are truly heroes, HOLLAheroes.

To read the full article, click here.

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