Saturday, January 7, 2006

Easily Distracted

I live on a major street in Oakland, and for whatever reason I can't leave my front door on foot without getting harassed at least once on my way to Point B. I love this city, so it really bums me out that this is the case. The most frightening was when I walked under the highway overpass and not one but TWO cars tried to pull up next to me within a minute of each other.

The worst incident in recent memory happened in a yuppified neighborhood north of here. I had just gotten off the train and was on my way to work. I was very hungry and the supermarket was a few blocks away, but I found a Tootsie Pop left over from Halloween in my bag, so I thought, "This will hold me until I can get some real food."

So there I was, eating my Tootsie Pop and thinking cheerful thoughts when some asshole walking towards me interjected, "I'll give you someting to suck on, baby." I was stunned. I couldn't believe it. As soon as I realized what he had said, I turned and threw the sucker at him as hard as I could. It didn't hit him, but I couldn't have gone on eating it after that.

Written by Sarah.

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