I was visiting my youngest sister in Orlando (at the time, she was 19 and I was 23) and we went to a sports bar to watch a basketball game. Side note: I always knew she got loads of unwanted attention because she's extremely busty, but I never witnessed it to the extent of that night.
Anyway, the two of us were sitting in a booth, watching the game and minding our own business. She grew uncomfortable because a group of rowdy guys had taken up spots at the bar, which was behind me so I couldn't see, and they were leering at her. After a few minutes, one of the asshats has the nerve to approach our table, and what transpired next absolutely floored me: he giggled and asked my sister, "Excuse me, I don't mean to be forward, but how big are your boobs? If I'm right my friend will buy my drinks for me." My sister and I just sat there dumbfounded, so he kindly repeated his question as though she hadn't heard him.
I was appalled. I said, "are you fucking kidding me? Who the fuck are you? Is this how you try to approach girls? Do you even know how old she is, you asshole!" He got very nervous and started stammering, "I'm sorry, I, I, didn't mean to be rude, b-b-but I wanted to know." I said, "that's none of your damn business. She's 19 years old, you fucking loser, and she's my little sister! Do you have a girlfriend? No, well I'm not surprised because you're a piece of shit."
The jerk had the nerve to continue defending himself as my sister sat there, red-faced. I said, "you don't go round to random girls and asking about their boob size. Learn some fucking manners!" He then skulked back to his table, muttering, as his friends laughed like hyenas. To top things off, he sent a round of beers over to our table, as an "apology," which we left, untouched.
The saddest part of all of this is that my sister said such incidents were (and continue to be, to this day) a regular occurrence for her, and usually her friends just laughed it off instead of coming to her defense. Do NOT laugh this behavior off! It is appalling. Ladies, we must stick up for ourselves! This kind of attention is NOT A COMPLIMENT!
Submitted by Lauren
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