I was walking up Hudson at 9:00am this morning wearing a long green bulky overcoat. I guess my mistake was wearing my hair down. I find the "street rules" rather unfair to women of color - I knew it was going to be warm and while there would be caucasian skinned women in their workout clothes walking on in silence (yes it occurs, not nearly as much) as there was in front of me, I would be a target because of my dark hair and skin - and here it goes:
While walking I hear, rather sweetly, "poo see" "poo see" slowly and surely it sinks in. He's calling me Pussy in a gentle tone without any look of cynacism on his face while driving slowly towards a stop light in front of him.
Normally I'm paralyzed and afraid but I turned and faced him. He looked scared and kind of dumb founded - or maybe that's just his regular face and rolled up his window as I faced him and his car staring directly at him.
Normally I scream back and hold up my middle finger, or I walk on scared but I have never been approached in this way - usually there is some sort of opener.
Why does this man think calling me a slang term of an area he was born from is okay? What would labeling me a slang genital area do for him, I don't understand. He was in a business suit.
Submitted by Lisa
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