5 ft. 3 inches ... and a DOORMAN! Girls, run don't walk this one's a catch!
Don't misunderstand, I have respect for anyone who takes pride in their work, but
I have no issues disrespecting someone who attempted to humiliate me and my freedom.
I see this rather brave gentlemen every day on Hudson street between 12th and 11th st. I've seen him opening car doors, as pictured (he's looking at me btw), helping children along and holding the door for women. Kissing up to older men. Doesn't seem to have any issues doing that.
One day he was cleaning the front area. I had been walking towards him while he was greeting residents. Somehow he must have known when I approached and of course chose to make his move when everyone else cleared out. (see brave comment above).
He turned around quickly, (pivoting on his little feet at his age - so thrilling) spinning on one foot and shoved his face into mine and started to suck his lips. (see Kissing up to older men comment above).
Good thing I don't live in the building, but then again, brown people like myself are only for objectification, not for having doors opened for us or the right to walk down the street without being treated like a sex object.
Submitted by Lisa