Friday, July 31, 2009

HollabackNYC in AMNY!

The AMNY story is a follow-up piece to co-founder Emily May's recent op-ed in the Metro. The Metro piece exposed the NYPD and MTA for failing to release crime stats on harassment and assault in the subway. Since the op-ed, Emily and New Yorkers for Safe Transit have successfully joined forces with Assemblymember Jim Brennan and Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer. (Both Hollaback Heros!) Brennan will submit a bill to the State Assembly in the fall forcing the MTA to release crime stats. Stringer's office is currently FOILing the MTA to see if they can get the data. Together, we will put an end to harassment on the subway!

Jerk-off Lurking Behind Nudy Newspaper

I was on the 1 train headed south at 8am on Monday. I was sitting with my left side to the wall of the train, focusing on my iPod, sifting through songs for my wedding playlist, and I noticed a 30-something short man with this awful mullet (I know, mullet’s are awful to begin with, but this one was as awful as they can get) standing in front of me, with his back to the wall, reading this really odd newspaper with photos of women in their lingerie gracing the cover. Nothing interesting there, so I turn back to the iPod, until I notice movement in front of me. I look up, and my first thought was, “what IS that thing hanging out of that guy’s pants? And why’s he rubbing it so ferociously?” That’s how not street smart I am—growing up in Pittsburgh, I never need to be suspicious of things like this.

He had blocked the view of everyone else on the car (including children), with that nasty newspaper, but so graciously allowed me to look at what he was doing, and, as if to add eve more creepiness to the scenario, he winked at me.

I was in mortified shock, and not knowing what else to do, stood up quickly and moved to the other end of the car. Someone else took my seat, but by that point, he had covered everything back up with that infamous newspaper.

Looking back on it, I could have kicked him where it counts, but that probably wouldn’t have been the smartest thing. I could have told someone, but with kids on the car, I didn’t want a fight to break out. I would have called the cops if I had cell phone reception. I would have told an MTA person if there had been one at the Houston stop where I got off. I feel like we need a primer on exactly what to do when something like this happens.

Submitted by Caitlin

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Masturbating Mullet

I was on the 1 train headed south at 8am on Monday. I was sitting with my left side to the wall of the train, focusing on my iPod, sifting through songs for my wedding playlist, and I noticed a 30-something short man with this awful mullet (I know, mullet’s are awful to begin with, but this one was as awful as they can get) standing in front of me, with his back to the wall, reading this really odd newspaper with photos of women in their lingerie gracing the cover. Nothing interesting there, so I turn back to the iPod, until I notice movement in front of me. I look up, and my first thought was, “what IS that thing hanging out of that guy’s pants? And why’s he rubbing it so ferociously?” That’s how not street smart I am—growing up in Pittsburgh, I never need to be suspicious of things like this.

He had blocked the view of everyone else on the car (including children), with that nasty newspaper, but so graciously allowed me to look at what he was doing, and, as if to add eve more creepiness to the scenario, he winked at me.

I was in mortified shock, and not knowing what else to do, stood up quickly and moved to the other end of the car. Someone else took my seat, but by that point, he had covered everything back up with that infamous newspaper.

Looking back on it, I could have kicked him where it counts, but that probably wouldn’t have been the smartest thing. I could have told someone, but with kids on the car, I didn’t want a fight to break out. I would have called the cops if I had cell phone reception. I would have told an MTA person if there had been one at the Houston stop where I got off. I feel like we need a primer on exactly what to do when something like this happens.

Submitted by Caitlin

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Strike A Pose

Yesterday I was walking home from train and noticed that the jerkoffs were out in full force. These idiots were hanging out by a corner and I knew it was coming. They said a few things and I ignored it. When I crossed the street, I pulled out my cell phone and took a picture. Funny how idiots get so shy when you do this. One guy asked me to take another so he could at least smile and “strike a pose”.

On the same walk, I got harassed by another idiot in a car. I ignored him but when I realized he was not giving up, I pulled out the cell phone again. When I aimed the phone at him, he put his hand in front of his face and said “come on, let’s keep this between me and you”.

Submitted by Kismet

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Four Days, One Woman

July 16th. Sat in the park on the grass. Man came up and sat behind me and pulled his penis out and stared at me. I responded by yelling at him and leaving.

July 16th. Going into my apartment, man blocked my path and asked me if I was looking to get pregnant tonight. I told him, “No, I’m looking to walk down the street with some amount of dignity. Do you have a problem with that?” Man responded that “Obama is president.” I responded, “ Say something to me when a black woman is president. And then I ranted about rape and harassment. “ Man responded, “I wasn’t trying to start a rap off, I was just playing, sorry. “ Friends stood laughing looking kind of surprised at me.”

July 17th: Man followed me around the good will licking his lips at me. I finally turned to him and yelled “ What?” He did not respond but gave one last gross lip licking look up and down and then left.

July 18th: I sat with a friend at a table outside a cafĂ© eating a salad. An older Russian man with a cane walked by and stopped in front of my table. He turned to face me, pointed at me then to himself and in broken English said, “ You like to me. I like to you.” I did not respond in anyway. He repeated himself once, louder, and pointed to me and himself again, in case I did not understand. I still did not respond. Then he smiled and waived and kept walking. (I admit, this is not really “sexual harassment.” This is just odd.)

July 19th. Walking down the street. Young man clicks his tongue at me like I am a small animal, says in a very sexual voice, come here cuttie, holds his hand out as I pass in front of him repeating, come here, come here, come here sexy, in high pitched tones…like I am a small animal.

Submitted by Chavisa

Monday, July 13, 2009

Beach Bastard

This guy was attempting a jerking session to this topless woman on the beach. She was totally oblivious. The guy kept looking at me nervously, saw me taking pictures, and then left. When he got up his shorts on one side were crunched up to his crotch area.

Submitted by Kismet

Friday, July 10, 2009

Butt-Slapper On The Loose In Brooklyn

A man in Crown Heights is slapping women's butts on the subway and by bike. There are over 10 reported incidences already. The story (including a HollabackNYC shout-out) is here.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Subway Rider Offers To Help Man Put Penis Back Into Pants

After only one stop I looked up from a rousing game on my phone to see that you appeared to be in great pain because your face was contorted. Upon second glance I noticed the problem..Your penis was trying to escape from your pants!

Clearly it had found its' way through your zipper (I can only imagine the pain that caused) and wiggled away from your grasp. In fact, it was already making a break for it! I saw it hiding behind your man-purse where no one could see but me. You struggled to grip it in your hand very tightly in what must have been a valiant effort to contain the beast, every time you pulled it back a little it would escape further and with more force. I admire you, it's not easy - I'm a woman and I know those things can be hard to handle. Still, I was shocked. The penises I've come in contact with were always much more domesticated and happy with their owners - is yours unhappy with you?

Maybe you were pleading with me for help, because you were staring at me quite intently. I met your eyes and while I wanted to speak - to cry out and tell everyone of the trouble you were having - I had no words. However, a picture is worth a thousand words and so I thought I would snap one on my phone so I could warn the world of your unruly penis.

Your penis must be camera shy because once it realized a picture had been taken it receded to the safety of your slacks once again and you quickly ran off the train at Atlantic Street/Pacific Ave- no doubt to go discipline it - or maybe to go to a hospital and have it drugged. I don't really know.

Reposted from Gawker and Craigslist

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

High End Retail, Low Blow Insults

I was at Macy's in Manhattan and this creepy guy made sure that I heard him. He said, "Hot Pussy."

Submitted by Sabrina