Reposted from Gothamist:
Horrible story: The Post reports two men were arrested for allegedly "raping an unconscious woman on a West Village park bench. A witness told cops the victim was out cold in Jackson Square Park on West Fourth Street at about 11:35 a.m. Monday when the men approached her. She was lying face-down on the bench when one man allegedly got on top of her and took off her pants." The witness called the police and both men, Anthony Torres (who has a previous arrest for rape) and Stanley Drayton, were charged with rape.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
R train Masturbator
Today, I had gotten on the R train going to queens from 23rd and broadway, I dosed off and woke up to this man, sitting a few seats in front of me, glaring. It weirded me out but I didn't think too much of it. I had closed my eyes for another few minutes and when I opened them, he was leaning against the door still glaring at me. Then I started noticing his arm moving, then ultimately realizing that this nasty asshole has his penis out and is seriously masturbating in front of me. I'm mortified, in complete shock. I didn't think to take a picture, this was the first time anything like this has happened to me. He ran out once we reached the station. I filed a police report and a detective is meeting me after work tomorrow to take the train to see if I can spot the guy again. I feel victimized. Ladies, please stay alert. Carry mace with you. And don't be scared to tell anyone; especially the police or mta. These men are scum and they deserve to rot.
Submitted by Char
Submitted by Char
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
HOLLAback survey-style!
Louise Dreier, a graduate student at Columbia, is doing research on how street harassment affects how women use the city and how the built environment affects street harassment. Lord knows this field needs more research, and quick! She has agreed to share her findings with Hollaback readers.
Help her out by taking her quick survey!
Help her out by taking her quick survey!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Emily May: A Woman Making History
Perhaps needless to say, I am insanely, stupidly, flattered by this. On a list of women making history -- with Rachel Maddow and Nancy Pelosi? Yes, this is our revolution. And yes, this is only the beginning. Together we will end street harassment, one hollaback at a time.
Check the story out, and take a second to learn more about the Progressive Women's Voices program at the Women's Media Center. This is not an overstatement: it changed my life.
Check the story out, and take a second to learn more about the Progressive Women's Voices program at the Women's Media Center. This is not an overstatement: it changed my life.
Just like an Antelope

Leaving work in union square Sunday night (I manage a restaurant), I overheard this guy shouting from up there at girls covering their heads with bags in the rain. "Hey you look good with that bag on your head. Just like an antelope." and other random and potentially mildly offensive things to several woman walking by. Noted they were on the job for Titan360 and have decided to contact them requesting what steps they will take given the observation of said conduct in uniform.
Submitted by a male friend of this cause
Why I Hollaback: Miranda's Story
This is the third video in the "Why I Hollaback" series. "Why I Hollaback" tells the story of how and why folks decide to take the leap, speak up, and start Holla'ing back. We will release a new story every Monday and accept submissions from all over the world. So tell us your story -- Why do you Hollaback?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Dog Eat Girl World
Walking home from my car at 430pm on a Thursday, and I see these two men. Both wearing these "sweat attire" and chains that I have grown to dread, as that is usually what my street callers are wearing- or the more scary ones. The "friend" did nothing. The main guy says "what'sss upppp" as he is walking towards me (we were walking opposite directions on the sidewalk). He is like ten feet in front of me but like three feet to the side. THEN, he bee lines right for me, smiles this disgusting shit eating smile, undressing me with his eyes, and does this head jerk/kiss/bite at my face, like inches from my fucking face on the sidewalk! I usually ignore these people bc it slows my stride and forces me to engage with them if i do anything else, and its not like i think that they dont know i dont like that, i give them a pretty evil glare. but THIS! And from someone who looked like they were 18!?!?! (im 23). I screamed at him in my meanest and loudest voice "Don't Fucking Do That!!!!!!!!" and everyone else on the street stared at him and knew what a fucking scumbag this guy was, and he gave me a very scary face that really seemed to say "watch your back". I was thrilled I said something, but terrified at the same time too bc this guy outweighed me by over 100Ibs and if he'd bite at a strangers face, umm, what the hell else would he do?
I didnt take a picture bc it happened too quickly and he scared me. In retrospect I wish had bc i could have filed charges against him for assault.
Assault is if he puts u in imminent fear of being attacked, battery is if he attacks u.
Also, if the police laugh at u, or dont take the report, or mock u, etc... as I have read here, file a complaint against them and even sue them in small claims court. The police are not allowed to do half of the things ive read on here. In some of the stories Ive read here, I would even sue the Police Department for sexual harrasment, intentional infliction of emotion distress, ... The law is actually quite pliable to the female pedestrian's plight against street harrassers, even if the police are not.
And even though in this case I didn't, I would strongly urge anyone who wanted to, to pursue these matters bc they dont just pick "you." The person who "bit" at me will do the same thing to another woman, and another, and another... And the police officer who mocks you, etc...
Submitted by "Law Student"
I didnt take a picture bc it happened too quickly and he scared me. In retrospect I wish had bc i could have filed charges against him for assault.
Assault is if he puts u in imminent fear of being attacked, battery is if he attacks u.
Also, if the police laugh at u, or dont take the report, or mock u, etc... as I have read here, file a complaint against them and even sue them in small claims court. The police are not allowed to do half of the things ive read on here. In some of the stories Ive read here, I would even sue the Police Department for sexual harrasment, intentional infliction of emotion distress, ... The law is actually quite pliable to the female pedestrian's plight against street harrassers, even if the police are not.
And even though in this case I didn't, I would strongly urge anyone who wanted to, to pursue these matters bc they dont just pick "you." The person who "bit" at me will do the same thing to another woman, and another, and another... And the police officer who mocks you, etc...
Submitted by "Law Student"
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Why I Hollaback: Violet's Story
This is the second video in the "Why I Hollaback" series. "Why I Hollaback" tells the story of how and why folks decide to take the leap, speak up, and start Holla'ing back. We will release a new story every Monday and accept submissions from all over the world. So tell us your story -- Why do you Hollaback?
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Creepy Cameraman

So yesterday 03-20-10 I was coming back from the city with my friend (who is a girl) and we were sitting across from this freak. We were wrapped up in our conversation and I turned to glance who was sitting around us and I see this freak taking photos of us with his stupid phone. At first he was subtle about it... only slightly turning it to us. But give me a break it was pretty obvious when you are technologically savvy. I told my friend and she didn't believe me. So I kept an eye on him and he would continue to angle his phone towards us...there was one point when he just did it so OBVIOUSLY! moving his phone completely towards us. I looked at him and gave him glares he then hesitated. So ladies don't think he's texting on the phone because he's not. It's all a front. It was about 11:30 at night taking the 7 to flushing. He gets off at the last stop. He's a real creepy guy.
P.S. We switched cars and he didnt follow us so that may help some of you.
No Means No: Unfortunately, the Cops ALWAYS take the Men's Side
Today I was arrested for defending myself against a man who was sexually harassing me and verbally assaulting while putting my life in danger in my car. I was driving down Wilshire Blvd and there was a man who was driving a 4 Runner, driving alongside of me as I was driving my car. Intitally, he was on the left side on my passenger's side making a pass towards me. I used my hand to indicate that I wasn't interested and that is when he crossed lanes and got on my driver's side and started calling me a "bitch," and other hideous names. The whole time he was riding dangerously close to me. Feeling threatened, that is when I pulled out my mace and sprayed his car. He then proceeds to continue to stalk me as I drive through traffic. I arrive at a parking lot where I know the people and he gets out. I see him on the phone and that is when I call the cops. The cops came out after about 1 hr to 1 hr and a half minutes and the attitudes of the cops is what repulsed me even more. They tell that I shouldn't of said or did anything, despite the fact that he was assaulting me (calling someone "bitch" is considered assault) and I really didn't say anything. They told me that I should have called the cops even after I explained to them that in the past when I have called the cops for stuff like that, the cops would just dismiss it off as "A pretty girl complaining about a guy 'bothering' her," and not take it seriously. They angrily told me that I shouldn't of used the pepper spray and I saw them cajoling with the guy on "man stuff." The worst thing of was when they said that, "All of this could have been avoided had I gone in another direction." They also told me that had I cursed him out I would have been seen as the aggressor. They arrested me for it, then let me go, but not without taking my pepper spray and my camcorder. What I went through was pure horror and I didn't deserve it. How dare a perp - who has prob gone to prison (I noticed he had prison tattoos) - have more rights over someone like myself simply because I was merely defending myself. The problem here is not me, but our society. No man or woman has the right to strike at someone simply because that person refuses to bend to their advances. Most importantly, that person shouldn't have power to punish someone who was merely defending herself against a vicious assault on her personhood. Now I have to face the city attorney simply because I refused a man's advances. Where did our system go wrong? I need legal counsel, information on places that deal specifically with ending street harassment and codifying it into law. The problem will persist as long as law enforcement not only turn a blind eye, but give the perps a "pass" by making it seem like it is a case of "boys will be boys," while girls are supposed to be punished for being girls AND women. I don't know what to do. I am pissed, but I don't know what to do or where to go? If you have info on feminist lawyers or feminist/ anti-street harassment orgs, please forward them to me. This has got to stop. We live in America and, basically, in effect, the guy can curse me out, call me names, stalk me, etc, but the only way I can avoid issues is to not be seen nor walk out in public like women in Islamic countries. For the kicker, the man can attack me and call me any names he likes, yet, when I fight back by calling him a name or take action, it is MY fault! Funny thing was, when I had a man arrested for battery, the cops were cajoling with the perp with the male officer saying to me, "You know he can sue you for false arrest and imprisonment, right?" Basically, our judicial system is marred by a long time tradition of misogyny and anti-woman attitudes. What happened to me today; I didn't deserve it NOR all the women victims of domestic violence who go silent since they know the cops will do nothing - as I explained to the three officers today - and will only then act when the woman decides to act in self defense all because the cops didn't do anything!
As an addendum, when I tried to call the police (I filed an internal complaint regarding that comment) at 6:55pm, the phone call was not able to go through as if it was blocked by their system. When I called from an alternate number, surprise, surprise, the call went through, yet when I told them my name, it was blocked!
Submitted by Raven
As an addendum, when I tried to call the police (I filed an internal complaint regarding that comment) at 6:55pm, the phone call was not able to go through as if it was blocked by their system. When I called from an alternate number, surprise, surprise, the call went through, yet when I told them my name, it was blocked!
Submitted by Raven
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Competition for Local Changemakers, Hollaback!
Green Mountain Coffee and Ashoka's Changemakers are hosting a competition to find and help fund the most innovative ideas that improve communities in the Northeast (Maine, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, or Massachusetts). The best innovations will be awarded prizes totaling USD $50,000, and nominators are also eligible for prizes. Hollaback has applied (check out our application and leave us a comment!) and we encourage you to apply too.
Got a great idea? We'd be happy to nominate you! Just shoot us an email at and visit for all the details. You can enter or nominate innovations from now until April 21, 2010.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Canarsie Creepers in Cars, Yelling Come-ons
I live in a not so great part of Brooklyn AKA Canarsie. I was walking home from the hair salon since it's only 10 blocks from my house. I'm only 2 blocks from home when I hear some creep yell "Ay!" from his car. I ignore them (I'm a professional ignorer) and continued walking. They stop at the red light and had to walk past them and heard they say " Hey sexy!" " Yo, she's got a nice ass". I never looked to see who was yelling but I'm pretty sure it was two guys in a car. Mind you, I'm wearing t-shirt,jeans and flip flops. It seems like the moment I leave my house I have some creeper yelling come-ons, undressing me with their eyes, winking at me or telling me how beautiful and lovely I am. I never power walked so fast in my entire life. I'm just glad they didn't follow me home. Then what would of happen? Run to my neighbors house? I wish men will realize their behavior is ignorant, sexist, demeaning and guess what?--it never gets you the girl.
Submitted by pissed off in brooklyn
Submitted by pissed off in brooklyn
The Scary Stare-down

I was on the train home from NYC about 10 p.m. minding my own business as usual. I actually found a one person seat, which was great because it was late and I really just wanted to sit by myself. After just sitting looking out the window I happened to turn to look out the window across the aisle for whatever reason and this guy is staring at me, with this pathetic grin on his face and then he winked at me. Creeper. I gave him my usual look of disgust and then I was agitated because I don't know how long he was glaring at me. Then I remembered this website and decided to take a picture of him, but he was already sleeping.
It made me feel better in the end.
Submitted by Danielle
Race-based street harassment hurts, too.
Sexual Harassment can come from women too. I was walking up 7th ave directly in front of the post office near Varick. I had my head covered with a scarf to protect me from the sun and wore a dress past my knees. I walked past a group of women who were speaking spanish I did not notice them, but thought I recognized a male friend sitting on the corner, About 15 ft past them, I turned around, never making eye contact. One of them said "ho, f u and your arab people". What struck me was that I never saw them and they were still so obsessed with me way down the street, it was only by chance I turned to see if it was my friend. I got angry and gave them the finger. They started screaming F U FU FU FU go back to your FG country.
Submitted by L.
Submitted by L.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Green with Anger
Around 5:30p.m on Saint Patrick's Day, I was on the 5 train to meet up with my sister after work. The train was pretty empty but had (mostly men) around 10 people spread out, sitting down. These two boys get on, I say 'boys' because they seemed to be around the ages 16-19, both had hoodies on, both were African American with short black hair. They sit across from me and immediately say loudly, "Why do you have green nails for?" (my nails were painted a dark green), I ignore them and mess with my phone. This obviously pissed them off because then they start saying, "Why she wearing so much makeup? That's too much makeup." Well then, mascara and concealer must make me a whore. At this point, my whorish self, couldn't take it anymore and I said, "I'm not deaf and I don't like to be disrespected." This seemed to shut them up for about 10 seconds, that's when the insults started pouring out. I was called a, "white bitch", "racist", "ugly bitch", etc. I ignored these while trying to swallow my increasing anger. The one guy then thought it would be fun to rap about me and how I should, "suck big black dicks." They both laughed, but one of the boys got up, walked towards me and tried to touch me. Good thing I saw this coming and was able to push him away before he laid a finger on me. This was the last straw, so I took out my phone to take a picture of them. That's when the big, tough boys showed their true colors...they cowered behind their hoodies. While doing this they proceeded to call me a 'bitch' and tell me to, 'fuck off'. I got some words in by saying, "What's the matter? Are you scared of having your picture taken? You sure didn't seem scared of harassing me?" Both of the boys got up, while covering their faces, to get off the train and I kept my phone pointing towards them. But, before getting off the train one of them spit at me and they both ran off. Luckily, it missed me by 10 miles.
What really upsets me about the situation is that no one on the train did or said anything. And most of the people on the train were older males. They literally just stared at me as I felt anger, sad, and humiliated. These boys didn't know me nor did I do anything to deserve such treatment. I wanted to cry after what happened and felt so ashamed that I got off of my train so I can switch to another 5, just so the people who witnessed what happened wouldn't see me anymore.
Submitted by Kat
What really upsets me about the situation is that no one on the train did or said anything. And most of the people on the train were older males. They literally just stared at me as I felt anger, sad, and humiliated. These boys didn't know me nor did I do anything to deserve such treatment. I wanted to cry after what happened and felt so ashamed that I got off of my train so I can switch to another 5, just so the people who witnessed what happened wouldn't see me anymore.
Submitted by Kat
Hollaback's Emily May on Volcalo Radio!
I had the pleasure of being on Volcalo Radio with host Molly yesterday! I talked about my very first Hollaback, why street harassment affects some women more than others, and Hollaback's expansion. Check out the interview here.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
It's my Birthday -- Celebrate by voting for Hollaback!
Today is Hollaback co-founder Emily May's birthday (that's me!). Help me celebrate by clicking this button and voting for Hollaback. The polls close at the end of the day tomorrow. Each vote is a wish for safer streets:
Harassment and assault are on a spectrum of violence against women. Like other forms of violence against women, victims tend to stay quiet. Of our readers, 20% of you reported in our recent survey that you didn't hollaback because you "secretly wonder if it's your fault."
To end of the cycle of violence, we need to break the silence. Hollaback's newest project uses brains over brawn to fight street harassment. By giving you the ability to report and map street harassment with the touch of an iPhone button, we will let the world know that street harassment is not OK, one hollaback at a time.
To vote for Hollaback, click here. You will need to click on the blue "thumbs up" on the right, sign in, and create an account. Once you have a created an account you will need to click on the link again and vote. $25,000 will give us the funding to secure a new website and develop the iPhone application.
You are the changemaker you seek.

To end of the cycle of violence, we need to break the silence. Hollaback's newest project uses brains over brawn to fight street harassment. By giving you the ability to report and map street harassment with the touch of an iPhone button, we will let the world know that street harassment is not OK, one hollaback at a time.
To vote for Hollaback, click here. You will need to click on the blue "thumbs up" on the right, sign in, and create an account. Once you have a created an account you will need to click on the link again and vote. $25,000 will give us the funding to secure a new website and develop the iPhone application.
You are the changemaker you seek.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Holly Kearl Holla's Back on HuffPo!
Check out the incredible op-ed by HOLLAheroine Holly Kearl: here. Holly starts it off:
Street harassment is positioned to be the #1 feminist issue of our generation. Like workplace harassment, the first step to ending street harassment is breaking the silence. Join us and Hollaback!
Stay tuned for Holly's Book, "Stop Street Harassment" due to be released in August of this year.
Do you remember when it was legal for a man to make sexually explicit or sexist remarks to a woman at work? I don't. While sexual harassment in the workplace still happens, it became illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 19 years before I was born. Do you remember when it was legal for a man to make sexually explicit or sexist remarks to a woman on the street or at a bus stop? I do. Sexual harassment in public is legal. But it shouldn't be.
Street harassment is positioned to be the #1 feminist issue of our generation. Like workplace harassment, the first step to ending street harassment is breaking the silence. Join us and Hollaback!
Stay tuned for Holly's Book, "Stop Street Harassment" due to be released in August of this year.
MTA's security camera's aren't working
From our HOLLAheroine Heather Haddon at AMNY:
To read Heather's full story on AMNY, click here.
"Down in the subway, big brother isn’t watching. Nearly half of the 4,313 security cameras installed in the subway aren’t working because they are unable to power up or are suffering from software glitches, the MTA said Sunday. The need to have more surveillance in the system is a priority for transit advocates as the MTA prepares to lay off 600 station agents in May."Without security camera's -- the MTA doesn't have the tools it needs to protect New Yorkers. Although the police say that crimes are down in the subway, we know from experience that crimes against women and LGBTQ New Yorkers, most of which aren't counted in the MTA's crime stats because they are classified as misdemeanors, are at epidemic proportions.
To read Heather's full story on AMNY, click here.
Men are from Mars, Pervs are from Neptune

This jackass starting touching himself while I was at the Neptune Diner today. There were a lot of little kids running around - the more noise they made the more he did it. We told the host and he was in the process of being tossed as we left.
Submitted by Martha
Why I Hollaback: Rafiya's Story
This spring we are launching "Why I Hollaback," a new series of stories from women and LGBTQ folks. "Why I Hollaback" tells the story of how and why folks decide to take the leap, speak up, and start Holla'ing back. We will release a new story every Monday and accept submissions from all over the world. So tell us your story -- Why do you Hollaback?
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Hollaback Volunteers Needed to Push our Project Forward
As you know, we are planning to develop a Hollaback! iPhone app and redevelop our website by this summer. To make this happen, Hollaback! is looking for talented volunteers to help move our project forward:
- Special Events/Party Planning. We are seeking to plan a fundraiser for late April and a launch party for June. We are looking for volunteers that like planning fun, hip events that get people excited about Hollaback!
- Campaign Coordination. Over the next few months, we will be reaching out to all 20 Hollaback sites worldwide to engage them in Hollaback's growth and identify needs. We will also be reaching out to anti-street-harassment communities that do not have a Hollaback (India, Saudi Arabia, Egypt). We are looking for someone with international and campaign-building savvy to lead this work in coordination with founder Emily May.
- Web Design. In June, Hollaback will relaunch its website on We are looking for someone with website design expertise to help guide the vision of the website and help maintain the site once it is launched.
- Writers. We are looking for someone to help write and edit website copy between now and June, when the website launches. A marketing background is helpful, but not required.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Help CUNY get a sexual assault policy!
From our friends at NOW Young Feminist Task Force:
Did you know that City University of NY (CUNY) does not have a university-wide sexual assault policy for it's half-a-million students? YOU CAN HELP CHANGE THAT BY COMING TO THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC FORUM OR CONTACTING US ABOUT HOW ELSE TO HELP.
CUNY Central is ready to present a proposed policy to the Board of Trustees for approval in April. However, a large group of us, including elected officials* feel that the policy lacks two vital components - –
1. clearer language about mandatory education and
2. anonymous reporting. **
CUNY Board of Trustees public hearing on Monday, May 15, 4:30pm-6pm. If you wish to speak during the Staten Island borough hearing, please call the Office of the Secretary of the Board at (212) 794-5450 by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 12, 2010. However, you can just attend without having to call ahead.
Did you know that City University of NY (CUNY) does not have a university-wide sexual assault policy for it's half-a-million students? YOU CAN HELP CHANGE THAT BY COMING TO THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC FORUM OR CONTACTING US ABOUT HOW ELSE TO HELP.
CUNY Central is ready to present a proposed policy to the Board of Trustees for approval in April. However, a large group of us, including elected officials* feel that the policy lacks two vital components - –
1. clearer language about mandatory education and
2. anonymous reporting. **
CUNY Board of Trustees public hearing on Monday, May 15, 4:30pm-6pm. If you wish to speak during the Staten Island borough hearing, please call the Office of the Secretary of the Board at (212) 794-5450 by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 12, 2010. However, you can just attend without having to call ahead.
Woman Brutally Beaten—Possibly Raped—In Midtown Bar

Reposted from Gothamist:
A man attacked and possibly raped a pediatric nurse in a bathroom stall in the midtown bar Social, police said. The perp fractured the 30-year-old woman's skull, and broke her eye socket and nose after she reportedly refused to dance with him in the three-story Eighth Avenue bar and lounge.
According to the Times, the attack occurred at around 2:30 this morning when the Connecticut woman declined to dance with the perp. After "she rebuffed his advances," the attacker followed the woman into the ladies bathroom, kicked open a bathroom stall door and assaulted her. Law enforcement sources believe she might have been raped because her pants were partially off when she was found.
One of the nurse's girlfriends discovered the victim unconscious in the bathroom stall. She was taken to New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center, where according to ABC, she underwent surgery. Police are trying to find video of the man entering or leaving the bar.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
HOLLAheroine: Assemblywoman Paulin

Great news! Assemblywoman Paulin’s bill to expand the definition of “sexual contact” to include the emission of ejaculate by a person upon any part of a victim, has passed the state Assembly. If the bill becomes law, it would change the definition of sexual contact to include ejaculating on others for the purpose of sexual gratification, allowing police to charge offenders under the harsher sexual abuse laws. Assemblywoman Paulin says, “People who have been attacked in this way endure much of the same trauma that other sexual assault victims sustain. This legislation brings this horrendous act in line with other sexual offenses, therefore extending power to victims to press meaningful charges.”
A sincere thank you on behalf of all the ladies in New York, Assemblywoman Paulin! To get this bill passed, contact your local state Senator. The bill is expected to go through the Senate soon.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Summertime Stalker
It was a hot and sticky day and my best friend couldn't get out of the house so I decided to go to her house and chill. I'm about a block away from her house when I notice a car driving alongside of me. I look over, and there is a man with sunglasses on flashing a huge smile. Now, I'm already on the defensive because his approach is so creepy. So now he has my attention.
I stopped walking and asked him why he was following me. He says "I just want to tell you how beautiful you are". So I thank him for the compliment and resume walking. But he didn't stop following me. He then asks me for my name. I didn't answer. At this point I'm turning the block and I realize he is also. I start to speed walk because I am getting a little frightened and I don't know what he is trying to pull. This is where it gets aggressive. The man puts his car in park, gets out of the car, and says loudly "I JUST WANTED TO KNOW YOUR NAME!".
Submitted by Mahasiah
I stopped walking and asked him why he was following me. He says "I just want to tell you how beautiful you are". So I thank him for the compliment and resume walking. But he didn't stop following me. He then asks me for my name. I didn't answer. At this point I'm turning the block and I realize he is also. I start to speed walk because I am getting a little frightened and I don't know what he is trying to pull. This is where it gets aggressive. The man puts his car in park, gets out of the car, and says loudly "I JUST WANTED TO KNOW YOUR NAME!".
Submitted by Mahasiah
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Confessions of a Hotel Night Clerk
I don't have a picture, mostly because it happens almost every night. I work the night shift at a relatively nice, but small hotel, so I am by myself at the front desk three nights a week from 11pm to 7am. For some reason every sloppy drunk (and even some of the sober ones) think its ok to hit on me, smell me (yes, I had someone lean over the desk and audibly sniff me), and ask me to go back to their room with them. In fact tonight I had couple of brothers basically beg me to get naked in the pool with them...when I told them the pool was closed they invited me to their room along with the, supposedly, 8,000 women that were supposed to meet them here. I don't understand why guys think that just because I'm working at night that I'm a whore...I've even had a few offer me money to sleep with them. Don't they realize that just because they're drunk, horny and bored that I'm not? I guess I just have "I would love to sleep with you" stamped on my forehead...or actually across my breasts since they can't seem to keep their eyes off them.
Submitted by Sarah
Submitted by Sarah
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Californians: Make Your Workplace Harassment-Proof
Harassment doesn't just magically go away; it takes work. If you want to make your workplace harassment-proof, check out our corporate sponsors at CalBizCentral.

When it comes to sexual harassment in the workplace, you have to know what is required of your company and your human resources department. Harassment is not a topic you can take lightly or decide to learn about at a later date. If you work in human resources for a company, it's time to learn everything you need to know about sexual harassment. HRCalifornia will help you find information and tools to assist with training.

This man comes into the store where I work for guitar lessons every Tuesday. He waits until I'm alone to come and ask if I've been 'behaving myself.' Stay away!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Repeat Offender on the A, C, E

Sunday night I was riding the train home at the front of a nearly empty car. This guy was walking towards me, so I started turning around. As I was turning, I felt and saw him grope my bottom. I was able to react quickly enough to kick him in the ass so hard he yelped. He tried to escape to the next car, but I followed him with my phone and snapped this photo. The station agent was surprisingly helpful and I filed a police report on spot. The police tell me a very similar incident had occurred earlier to another woman by a man meeting my description. The police are looking for this guy, so if anyone sees him TELL AN AGENT OR THE CONDUCTOR, as he is wanted by the cops. He tends to frequent the ACE.
I read hollaback NYC on occasion, and the blog is what gave me the foresight to snap the photo.
Submitted by Deborah
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Be a Part of the Revolution: New Yorkers for Safe Transit is Hiring!
As you may already know, Hollaback is a co-founder of New Yorkers for Safe Transit. In collaboration, we were able to get the MTA to post all the anti-harassment ads and announcements you see and hear everyday. We are building a movement, and we need some qualified staff to support us! For more information on the position, click here.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Do I know you? I didn't think so.

Was lucky enough to encounter this character on 16th between 5th and 6th who so kindly inquired about how I was doing.
Submitted by V.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Hollaback! Beta Testing: Be the First!
Be one of the first to hollaback using our new Iphone app! With the push of a button, you can hollaback at your street harassers and Hollaback! will map it using your phone's GPS. An automatic email will be sent to your account so you can tell us your story when you are safely back in the comfort of your home.
We are currently in the process of beta testing this new technology and we need your help! To be part of the testing, go to the Iphone store and purchase "UDID" (it's free). Then use the app to email your UDID number to (Rumor has it you can also get the UDID off of iTunes). We'll make sure you get the new app as soon as our developers complete it.
Your feedback can pave the way for the newest revolution against street harassment. Hollaback!
We are currently in the process of beta testing this new technology and we need your help! To be part of the testing, go to the Iphone store and purchase "UDID" (it's free). Then use the app to email your UDID number to (Rumor has it you can also get the UDID off of iTunes). We'll make sure you get the new app as soon as our developers complete it.
Your feedback can pave the way for the newest revolution against street harassment. Hollaback!
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