Thursday, August 24, 2006

Perverted Asshat on the Telephone

Let me start by saying that I am a native of both Dublin and London. I am used to the leers and hoots of random perverted jackasses from pubs as they glug beer and watch the footie game on the television. But since I moved to New York City in July 2005, at the age of seventeen, I can honestly say I've encountered more lewd fuckwits in one thirteen mile long city in one year than you can shake a stick at.

My favourite has to be the asshole who phoned me the other day. I do not have caller ID (but you can be damn sure I'm having it installed ASAP, after this incident). Our conversation goes a bit like this:

*phone rings*
Me: Hello?
*panting and crashing from other end*
Me: Hello?
Random fuckwit: Hey, sexy.
Me: Who is this?
Random fuckwit: Your stallion. Rawr (I wish I could say I was joking)
Me: Stallions don't rawr. Who are you, and why are you phoning me?
Random fuckwit: *in ridiculous, downright embarassing attempt of a proper English accent: Are you British, mate?
Me: Yes, *mate*, and I'm about to hang up. Bye now.
Random fuckwit: Do you mind if I jack off?
Me: Be my guest. *slam phone down*

As much as I love being accosted by some asshat on the phone, I think I'd be an idiot if I didn't share this with the rest of the world. Enjoy, ladies, and keep yourselves safe. And Mr. Fuckwit, wherever you are: get a new hobby.

Submitted by Rory

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Slime Attacks a Little Too Close to Home

He's the one on the phone.
He walked past as I was entering my building and said slimily, "Hey Gorgeous." Fuck you. Don't you think it scares me that you know where I live? Go fuck yourself.

Submitted by Julie

Monday, August 14, 2006

Union Square TeenMonsters Strike

So it's lunchtime and I thought I would take advantage of the beautiful day to eat lunch in Union Square Park. I was walking around, looking for a bench when I see a homeless man ahead of me, turning around in circles like he's confused. I walked by and he definitely turned, following me awkwardly. I kept moving, figuring he's just asking people for change, until I heard some disgusting, waste of space yelling "Grab her ass! Grab her ass!" I looked over and there was a huge group of teenagers, guys and girls, apparently ENCOURAGING THE TRANSIENT TO SEXUALLY ASSAULT WOMEN PASSING BY. They saw me looking at them and knew I had heard, which made them all laugh hysterically. Needless to say, my lunch was spoiled and I felt too disgusted to sit anywhere near these people, much less fish through my bag for my camera phone. Now I'm back in my office, eating lunch at my desk. I am so grossed out and furious about the whole thing that I can't even think straight. The guy didn't touch me, but I can't help but think the next girl in a skirt who walked by wasn't so lucky...

Submitted by Elizabeth

Friday, August 11, 2006

Dicks, dicks everywhere.

From our friends at New York Hack:

"This was when I really started to get scared as I thought he might be reaching for a gun. I already had the camera out and managed to take a shaky picture, thinking, "Fuck. Okay, I guess this is really it," but then I saw that, instead of a gun, he pulled out his dick. Unfortunately, my camera didn't capture it in all its shriveled glory."

To read the rest of the story, click here.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Nice suit

Walking around on 34th street in the middle of a weekday, this Mr. Man in Suit whispers, "Nice legs" as he walks by. Ew.

Two days later, my friend Anna says, "Nice legs," to which I responded, "Hey, thanks!"

Funny how the same words feel so different.

Submitted by Emily

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

“Which one of you am I going to RAPE first?”

18 years ago, my girlfriend and I were walking past Dolores Park in San Francisco late one night when some man walked up to us and said, “which one of you am I going to RAPE first?”

My girl is from England and she said “pardon?”, not really sure she heard him right. The asswipe repeated himself and I said to him “OH HELL NO MUTHAFUCKA!!”

It was crazy! My girl and I didn’t even have to look at each other to figure out what to do!! We pushed him back, knocked him off balance, kicked and punched him where we could…..girl, that jerk managed to run off screaming obsencities at us. Both of us were shaking with anger.

I am a middle aged woman now with 2 daughters. I am very proud we were able to handle that ass hole. I pray that our actions stopped him permanently. Women, please remember that YOU ARE POWERFUL!


Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Even in Winter Clothes!!!

i am a photographer in nyc.
i was shooting at a studio by chelsea pier today when my client said they wanted some outside shots. the model, myself, and the art director walked no more than 50 ft from the building when the whistles and bullshit started up from a nearby construction site. the poor girl was wearing winter clothing in 100 degree weather and now she's got to put up with these clowns.
so i say something like "i don't bother you at your work, why do you have to make my job hard?" with that a few of the guys came closer asking me why i was getting nasty with them, they actually had the nerve to be pissed at me. my client grabbed me by the arm and told me to keep shooting. we finished up quickly and as we were leaving a van pulled up at a light with another asshole talking bout a great ass or some shit like that, so i spun and snapped his pic.
where the fuck do these guys get off doing this shit, don't they have daughters, mothers, sisters, or wives?

great site and i hope to see it blow up even though every single story makes me see fucking red.

keep snapping safely ladies, these are not men, they are pigs, show the world who they are.

submitted by eric v.