Sunday, December 31, 2006
Bad Santa
I was actually not in NYC, but I feel this nasty Santa needs to be exposed! I was with the little girl I nanny for seeing Santa, and Santa insisted I sit on his lap. Since she still believes in Santa, and Santa is supposedly a good authority figure, I followed his directions. Santa then began rubbing my back, holding my waist inappropriated and was just generally nasty! What a horrible man! He needs to be exposed. It frightens me to think such men can have access to children. Yikes! Bad Santa perv!
Submitted by Sarah
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Happy Holidays from the Q14 Bus. You expected more?
This guy kept his leg wide open the whole time on the Q14 bus tonight. He kept putting his hand between his legs and massaged the area like he's in a porn movie. He kept eyeballing me and staring at me until I took out my camera phone and snapped this nasty pervert's face. As soon as he got off the bus, he just stared right at me through the window and I just flipped him my middle finger. Dirty pervert.
Submitted by C.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Do It For Your Country
Sorry dude, I understand it's been a while, but you really shouldn't expect women to take "do it for your country" so literally...
Submitted by Emily
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Billyberg Bastard
The most important part of this is that my friend is safe, but I feel such anger and rage that men like this, who derive such a false, disgusting sense of power from physically and sexually threatening women in public (or private), can make strong, smart, powerful women like my friend doubt their decision to live alone if they choose, to live free and independent lives, or to merely live at all. I am completely disgusted, and concerned for my friend.
Submitted by R.P.
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Caution! Women Resisting.
We couldn't resist. Neither could our friends at Feministing.
Monday, December 4, 2006
Burger - nasty
I was at Burger King at Main St. and Roosevelt Ave in Flushing with some friends, hanging out. We were about to leave when this guy (who had previously asked for money) sitting next to us goes "Hey, you, whats up? I want to suck you." I looked at him, disgusted, and replied "you're fucking gross." He then proceeds to get up and follow us out while wiggling his tongue at me. He said "I want to suck your pussy", and would have probably stuck his tongue in my ear had I not moved away. My friend and I told him he was a fucking pervert and he followed us to the corner. Ugh.
Submitted by Cheer
Friday, December 1, 2006
A kick to street harassers and all their kindred spirits
In response to his violent penetration of our personal space, my girlfriend and I screamed a list of obsenities at him, telling him exactly what he could do with his fantasy, his over-inflated ego, and his fucked up attitude. Apparently, women getting angry at his harassment was not a response he was used to, so he stuck his head back out the window to let us know that we were "fucked up bitches" and "crazy fucking psychos". Shit, why hadn't we noticed? Clearly we were the psychos, considering we were the ones cruising around town and looking to assault vulnerable individuals.
His car paused at a set of lights, and he continued to scream at us, throwing his fist around and piling every swear word he knew into discriptions of us. Fed up, my spunky girlfriend shot a massive glob of spit onto his beautifully painted car. Inspired by her actions, I too walked up to his car, and kicked the back of it as hard as I could. This sent him into a frenzy, and he jumped out of his car to further yell abuse at us. We pointed out that the police were sitting across at the next set of lights, so he backed off, but continued to scream at us as he drove away.
Now, some might think it was a bit of an overreaction to kick someone's property in response to a "compliment". I'd like to tell those people to take their ignorant, sexist agendas and shove it up their arses. As a woman and as a lesbian, I spend every day of my life confined by the consequences of men's belief that it is perfectly acceptable to verbally, physically and sexually assualt, harass, and intimidate me. I spend each day fighting off unwanted physical advances, being powerless to respond to drive-by sexual advances, having to shut up and ignore the endless streams of catcalls and wolf whistles, watching program after program representing women as sexual/domestic play objects for men, and battling with both men and women to convince them that yes, it is important to be aware of the the power issues that surround gender relations. I spend nights crying as a result of the sexual abuse I have experienced, days altering my routes so I can feel safe when walking home, and endless hours being overwhelmed by how much work is yet to be done in order to create a world which is safe, equal and free from violence and intimidation.
That kick to the back of the prettied-up car, therefore, was a kick for every man who has ever intimidated, objectfied, assaulted, abused, taken advantage of, raped, or hit a woman. It was for every catcall, wolf whistle, and unwanted comment any woman has ever received since becoming old enough to be violated. It was also a warning to each individual who thinks it is ok to harass women, whether in public or in private.
And fuck, it felt good.
Watch out world... I've discovered the power to holla back, and holla back I will.
Submitted by Sandra
Monday, November 27, 2006
Dressed up, but not for you.
So yes, I am kind of dressed up. I was just at an internship interview. Yes, I am sitting by myself eating my lunch. Thanks. By the way - what the fuck is your deal? I know you can't be looking at train schedules for all of those 15 minutes. I know you keep leering at me. You're not being that discrete, and you are kinda grossing me out. Why can't I just sit alone for half an hour and eat my lunch without someone thinking I'm there to look pretty for them? I am so grossed out that I felt like I had to avoid eye contact with everyone just because some of them were like you and aparently assuming that a young woman sitting by herself was looking for some kind of attention. You're pathetic. It took you a good twenty minutes of (not very) sneakily leering at me for you to finally walk away - don't think I didn't notice that you were turning around every twenty feet or so to stare some more.
Submitted by E.M.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Business in the Front, Sketchy in the Back
Submitted by Rachel
Friday, November 24, 2006
Fuck Right Off.
No I will not take off my shirt or show you my ass for your polaroids. Skeevy asshole. I'm so happy to go back to San Francisco and say goodbye to the Bowery's poetry scene... Where they knowingly tolerate blatant sexual harassers in their scene.
I talked smack right back at you and played along to hear more of the bullshit. And then pointed out to you that craigslist would be a better place to find women for your polaroid exploits. Put up your ad and get the fuck out of poetry.
Dear women in the Bowery Scene and people there who aren't misogynist fuckheads, I feel sorry for you that you have to put up with that kind of thing. Why do you?
Dear woman with the shaved head who tonight at the poetry club took off your shirt for this dude in the bathroom, did you feel all empowered when this guy went on to harass other people and show your photo in his book and to boast that he likes the authentically dykey ones the best, next to the trannies?
Dear MC dude of the Urbana slam team, nice job of laughing off sexual harassment to my face. Also thanks for letting me know that "that guy hangs out here every single day at the poetry club." That makes it all better! I'm sure everyone just thinks he's SO funny and such a character!
Dear guy working the door... I thought you were laughing with me and were complicit in my fool-baiting. "Thanks" for then when I confronted the dude about his fucked-upedness, then acting like you didn't hear anything wrong... And for saying that you didn't hear anything hostile. Because we all know that asking all the women in a cafe, or a poetry reading at a bar, to take off their clothes for a camera and if they have any "intimate" piercings or tattoos is just totally FRIENDLY... It makes women feel all appreciated and welcome and stuff...
Oh also? The tempting offer of a free copy of your poetry book in exchange for the polaroids of my naked body... not tempting at all.
Submitted by Liz Henry
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Not so Super, Market Man
Submitted by Nancy
Thursday, November 9, 2006
I've Just Been Groped
Submitted by Kathleen
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Whatever Happened to the World that was Promised to Us?
As I was walking home from school one day, a man A LOT older than me stops walking as I walk past. He tries to grab me but I speed up so he misses. "I love your ass!" he calls after me.
Submitted by Fiona
(A special note from the Hollaback team: GO VOTE! Let's make this world a better place together. New Yorkers: got voting questions? Get them answered here.)
Thursday, November 2, 2006
My roommate and I walked twelve blocks to a Halloween party last night, and were harassed by NINE different people. After the first three guys in the first three blocks started calling at us (despite the coats that covered up our costumes!), I remembered hearing about Holla Back and I whipped out my cell phone. These were the only pictures that came out clearly, but the
two doofy old guys were by far my favorite. I walked back to them after they called out to us, and said, "smile. I'm putting you on a website that ridicules creepy people who harrass women on the street." So what do they do? Smile, of course! I really wish I could say "only in New York City..."
Submitted by Emily
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
6 Train Nutjob
Idiot. When I met up with my friends that night and told them the exact the same scenario above, they laughed and said, "You got flashed! That rip was completely intentional." Then when I got home and told my husband, he agreed. Ugh. It was disgusting and disturbing enough for me to see it, but what if I was a little kid sitting right across from him? Maybe a little kid would've pointed and yelled. Maybe I should've too.
Well, at least I'm holla-ing back. That's a start.
Submitted by Ali
Monday, October 30, 2006
No, Tom Cruise. I Don't Want to Pee with You.
Tom: Can I go in with you?
Me: I don't think so dude.
Tom: C'mon!
Me: (shaking head) No.
Tom: I won't look. What are you scared I'm going to see something? I won't look. I'll pee in the shower.
Me: No.
Tom: C'mon!
The door opens and I slip in. As the door shuts behind me he forces it back open and thrusts himself into the bathroom. Next thing I know he's standing next to me. With reflexes that were must more impressive than my zombie costume might have suggested, I pushed him backwards as hard as I could. He fell outside of the bathroom and I locked the door.
Adrenaline still pumping, I got my boyfriend to take this picture of him. As I stood there shaken and scared, he was dancing.
Submitted by Emily
Sunday, October 22, 2006
My Pussy Cat has Claws, Mister.
Submitted by Angela
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Jersey Jerks Hit Yankee Stadium
Submitted by Nicki and Corinne
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
HollaBack Loves Lauri Apple
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
81st and Broadway: Harassment Strikes on the Upper West Side
Submitted by Susan
Monday, October 16, 2006
I turned around and asked him, "You talking to me?"
"Oh yes, yes."
"Well, you better shut the fuck up, buddy, or I'll have you arrested," I said. I did not know how I was going to have him arrested, but that's beside the point. "You better stop talking to me like that."
Of course, he did not stop. Despair set in. Then, miracle of miracles! I saw a cop crossing the street. I flagged her down and told her about the harrasser. He was trying to hide behind the telephone booth but we found him. She started scolding him. I started scolding him, too -- "you don't talk to women like that." He played dumb and denied everything, but the officer wasn't having any of it. To add insult to his injury, every time I tried to talk to the officer the harrasser interrupted me. Which caused the officer to yell "shut up" at him over and over. It was quite fun to watch the officer put him in his place.
"See, you obviously don't respect women because you won't even let them talk to each other," I said.
The officer told me she would give the guy a summons. I left them on the corner and went about my merry way.
Submitted by Lauri
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Stick to Reading on the Toilet Please, Gentlemen
I was on the 18.48 train from London Paddington to Reading on Saturday 23 September 2006. The train was full, and there was a guy sitting across from me "reading" a 'lads mag'. No, he wasn't sitting by the window and doing this discreetly, the creep had an aisle seat and was holding the magazine for the whole carriage to see! Can you believe it, most of the people sitting close to him were women, and kids could easily have walked past. At first I tried to ignore him, but as he was going through the magazine studying every single page carefully, he sometimes held it up close to his face. When he got to the the centrefold, he turned the magazine around and held it up again. What a sad, immature, sick weirdo. I don't know if he was actually enjoying offending all the women around him, or if he was so deranged to think that what he was doing was normal and acceptable.
As I was getting more and more pissed off and thinking about what I could do, just before my stop I remembered that I had my digital camera with me, so I took two pictures of him. The first without flash so that he wouldn't notice. But I needn't have worried, because when I took the second one with flash he didn't even look up from the magazine, he was so glued to it.
Submitted by Tanja
Friday, October 13, 2006
Smile, You're on HOLLABACK!
After meeting with a co-founder of HollaBack I was walking home and ecstatically explaining to a friend on my cell phone how well my interview went and how excited I was to get involved in the group. While deeply engaged in this phone conversation, this guy finds it appropriate to ask, or tell me "Hey baby, come hang out with us", ignoring the fact that I look 14 and he looks 70. While I've heard much more disturbing comments and usually blow this nonsense off, this guys body language was enough on its own as he tried stopping me in my tracks, literally. Quickly I said to my friend I'll call you back, knowing that I needed to get this pigs picture. Getting my camera ready, I turned back towards this guy and his friend and politely said "Just let me take your picture" to which he happily responded with this pose. "Thanks", I said, "HollaBack, H-o-l-l-a BACK. Check out your face on the website!" To this he sarcastically responded "Well come back so I can give you a better picture". I kept walking and with a smile and confidence this time for I knew he was confused and nervous, most likely wondering where his face was being posted and who would see it. Living in New York for more than five years and experiencing the most disturbing acts of harassment, I always walked away pissed off with the feeling of being violated and helpless or tried blowing it off while thinking to myself, 'don't let this guy get to you'. Now I don't have to! Now I can HOLLA BACK! and rightly so.
Submitted by Lisa (our newest member!)
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Penis Spotting: October 11th on the R train
Submitted by Jenni
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Jerked Off On... Blaargh!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
When a Classy Restaurant doesn't Yield Classy Patrons
Submitted by Emily
Subway Groper on the 6 Train
Submitted by Molly
Saturday, October 7, 2006
Ringing in the New Year with Exhibit A: Creepy and Pathetic
I took a photo of these perves at New Years Eve in Sydney last year. We were helping a tourist from Argentina get to her New Years party and these perves were taking her photo on their camera phones. Then when she got off the train they went up to their mates on the upper level of the train and oggled her some more creepily on their phones. If you look carefully you can see us in the reflection of the window laughing at their pathetic ness and looking forward to putting them on the internet and telling everyone about how creepy and pathetic they are. Now that can happen! Yay!
Friday, October 6, 2006
Karma: Street harassment has a new best friend
Thursday, October 5, 2006
me but couldn’t prove it) “I'll put that booty in a wheelchair like a batty boy” in between gross oogling. I come from quite a conservative background and I haven’t heard some of this stuff before I’m feeling a bit uncomfortable but am tipsy and am waiting for someone to call a cab. More people are leaving and this guy just keeps looking at me and I’m sure I he’s still rubbing his butt as he does this little dance. The cab pulls up - one of those VW vans as there are a bunch of us. I’m feeling happy – its been a good night overall with my local girlfriends – then this FREAK looks straight at me and says “I’d reckoned you'd come back to me gaff for a spot of ice docking” and keeps doing his butt dance mumbling “rimm it rimm me off batty bitches”. I have my camera phone with a zoom in my handbag and pull it out as we pull off – think I have the bastards face but all I got is this blur of him doing his butt dance pointing at himself.
We talk about it safe in the back of the cab and apparently these kind of guys are all over Soho. I ask the girls what those terms mean and it is the grossest, most degrading crap I have ever heard. It all involves faeces and is not funny – horrible and violating. I wanted to vomit when I thought about the ice docking. You think you wouldn’t run into poop obsessed street harassers that need to be put away in a nice part of London. I’m so angry…Yuck!
Submitted by Roxie
Friday, September 29, 2006
Now Taxi's aren't safe anymore either
Then on the bridge he starts getting deeper, asking questions like"how do you like sex", "do you like 69", shit like that. Then I started to think "I am so reporting this sicko once I get home". Then right after the 59st bridge he drives the car down some random street, PULLS OVER and tells me to come up front to see so he can show me his dick. As exciting as that sounds, I asked him to please just take me home. Then he keeps asking me to come up front, I quickly realized there's no way this guys taking me home. After I saw my life flash before my eyes, I grabbed my stuff, opened the door (luckily it was open) and ran. He got out of the car, caught up to me and grabbed my stuff saying I still owe him money and to get back in the car. So now we're basically fighting in the street, I'm yelling at him to give me back my stuff, he's telling me to get back in the car. I should have just ran and ditched my stuff, but I have a feeling he would have caught up with me anyway, him being in car and me on foot. I saw another cab go by and screamed for him to help me. Thank god he stopped and got out, and asked what the problem was. I told him this guy was trying to rape me, the guy told him I was trying to run away without paying. I was like yeah, like I'm going to get out in the middle of the ghetto nowhere near my house and run away to save $15. Finally I threw $40 at the pervert (so basically I paid way extra for some guy to sexually harass and assault me), he gave me my stuff, and the other dude took me home.
Right after the guy gave me my stuff I looked him the the eye and yelled "You think I'm fucking stupid, I got your medallion number, you just lost your job!" and then for an added effect screamed "xxxx" about 5 times. He drove off. I went home and called 911, told them his #, and said I want to press charges. I'm reporting him to every taxi commission I can find, the cab company, and plan to call the police station every day until they come up with a reason they can go arrest him. There is no way this guy hasn't done this before, so I'm hoping as long as one other person has reported him he's fucked. He is still out there as of now (apparently you cant be arrested unless you do actually rape someone) but I will not sleep until this sicko is not out driving a cab.
Submitted by Erin
(Note to the ladies: RightRides offers women a free, safe ride home Saturdays from 12-3 at night, and they are hoping to expand into other evenings in the future. Check them out at
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Do you mind?
I was on my way home after an extremely long day when this creep decides to sit next to me on the train. I'm used to creeps leering at me, but this guy belongs on my top 5 worst. He slowly turns and leers at me, with his face only inches away. I could even feel his disgusting breath on me. After a few moments, he turns around, and I brush the whole thing off. A minute later, the creep leers again. This fucker repeats his leer-and-look-away act several times before my skin was crawling and I moved. He was still on the train when I got off, and luckily for me I had my camera, so I snapped his picture as he stupidly looked on.
Submitted by Cathy
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
I'm wearing fucking pants, asshole.
Submitted by Destiny
Friday, September 8, 2006
You know when you can feel men looking at your boobs?
This is what some of them look like. I got a nice round of:
"Oh my bellissima, oh baby..."
Submitted by Elizabeth
Thursday, September 7, 2006
Obviously I'm hotter. Now shut up.
Then I remembered your site, got motivated to shut this fucker up and walked back to him. He greeted me with "oh...well then, you like shorts don't you?" I noticed the creep had on a ring of sorts and so I said to him. "How about you call your wife with that cell phone sticking out of your pocket and tell her how you feel about my shorts, huh?" He looked all confused and said "What?" I just responded with a "You heard me... And you look terrible in shorts. Maybe this will teach you a lesson."
He started to mumble something in his defense and I just decided he wasn't worth my time anymore, so I flipped him off and walked away.
Too bad I forgot to take a picture. His uniform did have some sort of MTA ID number on it after all. But thank you thank you thank you HollaBack NYC for teaching me to defend my body! Maybe my story will inspire some others to do the same.
Submitted by Julie.
Tuesday, September 5, 2006
New York Shitty
Like most unemployed people with art degrees, I have a hobby. This hobby is documenting the dog shit problem in my community: Greenpoint, Brooklyn. I even have a blog about it: Perhaps you have heard of it.
ANYWAY--- for reasons you can well imagine, this endeavor requires that I hit the streets (camera and notepad in hand) to follow-up shit tips from readers. And just over a week ago, I did just this. The area in question was Norman Avenue between Guernsey and Banker St. I was not disappointed. In fact, I got a little something extra, which I am sending to you.
These four assholes saw fit to stop loading materials onto a truck to wolf-call me. I paused for a moment, pulled out my camera and took a photo of them. Being the crack-journalist that I am, I even made a notation of the address on my notepad: 34 Norman Avenue. This act worried one of the workers; he peered around the corner as I continued my rounds and yelled something back to his cohorts (en Espanol).
If I were him, I’d keep my mouth (and fly shut)--- ESPECIALLY if a broad carrying a notepad and camera was snooping around my place of employment. Not very bright.
Submitted by Miss H
Sunday, September 3, 2006
9:50 a.m.: Can I at least drink my coffee first?
"That man was exposing himself to me." He looked surprised, pointed to him and said "That man?"
He simply walked over to him between the cars, and the asshole was standing there w/his bag positioned in front of him and not even looking nervous. He probably even still had it out, covering it w/the shoulder bag.
The conductor returns with this look on his face that said: "Well, sorry but I don't see anything unusual..." And then, Mr. Dickhand ran out of the car because the genius conductor had left the doors open the whole time! I went to chase him, but said: "Wait, can you just call upstairs and tell the token booth person?!" And he says..."Well, he just ran off, and there's nothing I can do since he's already left the train..."
I never was able to find the slimy weasel again, but saw an NYPD van parked right there. They took my description and phone no., & asked me if I wanted to press charges if they found him. (Hell yeah!) The cops were actually really nice. The female officer actually said: "I'm sorry this happened to you..." The male officer was more aloof but still seemed vaguely concerned. And then they drove off to look for him! I went back downstairs thinking maybe he was somehow still lurking around the station, instead of running to street level. I told the token booth clerk: "A guy was exposing himself to me on the train...I told the police but thought maybe you want a description?"
She said: "Well did they call it in?"
I looked at her blankly because I didn't see them make any phone calls. Though they did seem on it.
"Well they're handling it, something, something, blah.."
It was time to tune out and go to work.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Perverted Asshat on the Telephone
My favourite has to be the asshole who phoned me the other day. I do not have caller ID (but you can be damn sure I'm having it installed ASAP, after this incident). Our conversation goes a bit like this:
*phone rings*
Me: Hello?
*panting and crashing from other end*
Me: Hello?
Random fuckwit: Hey, sexy.
Me: Who is this?
Random fuckwit: Your stallion. Rawr (I wish I could say I was joking)
Me: Stallions don't rawr. Who are you, and why are you phoning me?
Random fuckwit: *in ridiculous, downright embarassing attempt of a proper English accent: Are you British, mate?
Me: Yes, *mate*, and I'm about to hang up. Bye now.
Random fuckwit: Do you mind if I jack off?
Me: Be my guest. *slam phone down*
As much as I love being accosted by some asshat on the phone, I think I'd be an idiot if I didn't share this with the rest of the world. Enjoy, ladies, and keep yourselves safe. And Mr. Fuckwit, wherever you are: get a new hobby.
Submitted by Rory
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Slime Attacks a Little Too Close to Home
Submitted by Julie
Monday, August 21, 2006
Street Harassers Beware
Monday, August 14, 2006
Union Square TeenMonsters Strike
Submitted by Elizabeth
Friday, August 11, 2006
Dicks, dicks everywhere.
"This was when I really started to get scared as I thought he might be reaching for a gun. I already had the camera out and managed to take a shaky picture, thinking, "Fuck. Okay, I guess this is really it," but then I saw that, instead of a gun, he pulled out his dick. Unfortunately, my camera didn't capture it in all its shriveled glory."
To read the rest of the story, click here.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Nice suit
Two days later, my friend Anna says, "Nice legs," to which I responded, "Hey, thanks!"
Funny how the same words feel so different.
Submitted by Emily
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
“Which one of you am I going to RAPE first?”
My girl is from England and she said “pardon?”, not really sure she heard him right. The asswipe repeated himself and I said to him “OH HELL NO MUTHAFUCKA!!”
It was crazy! My girl and I didn’t even have to look at each other to figure out what to do!! We pushed him back, knocked him off balance, kicked and punched him where we could…..girl, that jerk managed to run off screaming obsencities at us. Both of us were shaking with anger.
I am a middle aged woman now with 2 daughters. I am very proud we were able to handle that ass hole. I pray that our actions stopped him permanently. Women, please remember that YOU ARE POWERFUL!
Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Even in Winter Clothes!!!
i was shooting at a studio by chelsea pier today when my client said they wanted some outside shots. the model, myself, and the art director walked no more than 50 ft from the building when the whistles and bullshit started up from a nearby construction site. the poor girl was wearing winter clothing in 100 degree weather and now she's got to put up with these clowns.
so i say something like "i don't bother you at your work, why do you have to make my job hard?" with that a few of the guys came closer asking me why i was getting nasty with them, they actually had the nerve to be pissed at me. my client grabbed me by the arm and told me to keep shooting. we finished up quickly and as we were leaving a van pulled up at a light with another asshole talking bout a great ass or some shit like that, so i spun and snapped his pic.
where the fuck do these guys get off doing this shit, don't they have daughters, mothers, sisters, or wives?
great site and i hope to see it blow up even though every single story makes me see fucking red.
keep snapping safely ladies, these are not men, they are pigs, show the world who they are.
submitted by eric v.
Monday, July 31, 2006
HollaBack goes to the Dirty South
I heard them yell as the rolled out of sight, "Yo, that chick has a camera! Go, go!"
Submitted by Emily
Friday, July 28, 2006
No Vacation from Harassment
I was at a mosque in Istanbul with my parents, and we were walking around the grounds. The mosque is on a hill, and I was standing on a ledge to get a better look of the city below. As I turned around to step off the ledge, I saw a young man with his camera cellphone out, taking a picture of me. I just walked away and joined my parents, thinking that there would be safety in numbers.
We were walking down a flight of stairs when the same young man slipped past me on my left, reached behind him, and grabbed my crotch.
Without even thinking, I punched him on the shoulder as hard as I could. My mom turned to me and said, "What did you do that for?" I told her that he grabbed me. He then had the audacity to walk past us one more time, which is when my mom and I glared at him and told him, "No." I then held eye contact with him and gave him the finger until he looked away.
I have been the object of visual and verbal harassment before, but I've never been groped and it left me shaken and feeling almost guilty, just for being female and somehow attracting that kind of attention.
Submitted by Tasha.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Rehoboth Beach Jerk
Two Tales from Land of the Asshole
My boyfriend and I were walking to his house after babysitting 6 little children that night. The parents got home around 12 and we ended up playing video games until 3 am.
Leavin their house and making our way across town to my boyfriends, a black small-thing of a truck pulled up beside us, full of American guys [3 I think.], clearly drunk.
One leaned out the window, the music turned down, shouted to me,
"Show us your vagina!" and started to laugh.
Givin them the finger as my boy and I rounded a corner, I shouted clam and clearly back ""only if you show me yours first."
My best friend from highschool and I were walking towards Tim Hortons for drinks. Being about 11 pm, and summer, a few kids I didn't know all stopped to sit in front of KFC, facing McDonalds. They were clearly drunk because each had their own bottle of beer.
As we walked past them, they asked us when McDonald's closed. But since I she was talking to me and I had my headphones on, we didn't hear them.
So they shouted back "fucking bitches. I only wanted to know what time!"
I whispered to my friend, "Unless you are going to act like Ashlee Simpson, then I don't reckon they's let you in."
Submitted by Reba .
Berkeley Harassment Take Two!
Later I was walking up the street he was walking in the same direction. He said "Hey sweetie..." I asked him to stop talking to me and that he was being disrespectful. He started a string of insults about my ass being fat and so on. So I took his picture and told him it would be on Hollaback. He didn't like it.
Submitted by Marlenee.
Spunk? Who Uses That Word Anyway?
Him: You have beautiful eyes.
I turn my head slowly and look him in the face.
Him: Your eyes? (he gestures to his own) They're beautiful.
Me: (slowly and forcefully) "I don't care what the fuck you think. I don't need your fucking compliments. So shut the fuck up."
He is absolutely astounded. "Who the fuck do you think you are, talking to me like that?"
Me: Who the fuck do you think you are talking to me at ALL?
Him: We're on the subway together--
Me: That doesn't give you the fucking right to talk to me.
Him: You don't have the right to talk to me like that. Maybe next time I'll say something derogatory. How bout that?
Me: Leave me the fuck alone.
Him: You need to watch the way you talk to me.
Me: Then why don't you quit talking to ME?
Him: No wonder New York is so shitty...
Me: Yeah, because it's got you in it.
Him: Oh, me? You're nothing but a white racist.
Me: I'm not racist. I'm not even white. And you're a sexist.
Him: Not white, oh, what are you then, orange?
Me: Now you're going to tell me what race I am? [I should have said, "Oh, we got an ethnographer here!"]
At this point it just turns into a stupid repetition of the first few exchanges. I finally just ignore him and go back to my book. He is still reveling from my decline of his compliment and the demand for privacy and peace... Finally, after a few minutes...
Him: (Shaking head) Well I will say this, you got spunk.
Me: Shhh. (keeps reading) [Should have said: If you ever have a daughter I hope "spunk" is enough to keep her from getting raped.]
Him: Did you hear me?
Nothing else is said, but he keeps making these mock astounded gestures and huffy noises. When I get off I make sure to look him right in the eyes one last time (how sexy am I now, fucker?), holding my head high and slightly squinting my eyes in contempt. I don't know
what washed over his face, surprise? fear? Well I'm not afraid of you, fucker. I'm not anything
you can wrap your tiny brain around, and I'll talk however I want. That's what you get when you try to assert your opinions on any given woman. And I'm not the only one who talks back, not by a long shot.
In retrospect, it really surprised me that he'd immediately jump to racism (I guess he was black,
maybe some Latino too?). Oh, because I responded angerly to his pathetic mack I *must* hate his race. I love that shit--a man alluding to equal rights. If I was a man he wouldn't have said a word to me. If there was true "equality" I would be granted the same silence and respect as a man. I will NEVER take my silence, broken by clumsy implications of my alleged "beauty," as a compliment. Never.
Submitted by Kate.
Friday, July 21, 2006
I was waiting to cross the street as this truck waited to turn, and the guy in the passenger seat started making crude comments to me and my female friend.
"Sit on my lap and ride!"
I took out my phone and got this shot. He was flattered, at first.
"Hey, she's taking my picture!"
"Yeah, so I can post it online and tell everyone what an asshole you are."
Then he didn't look so flattered. He didn't have much to say after that, either.
Thanks, HollabackNYC!
Submitted by Anne.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
If they don't know it's wrong, why do they cover their faces when we take their picture?
Submitted by Kay.
Friday, July 14, 2006
I Like My Ass Too, But...
"Nice, nice."
My friend and I ignore him.
I turn around.
"What did you say?"
"I said I like your ass."
"Don't say stuff like that. I don't like it."
I take out my camera, he keeps grinning and being dumb. I take a picture but he turns his head.
So I take another one.
"Check out your picture online. HollaBackNYC!"
Submitted by Anna.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Another Subway Creep
Also, I had my 7 year old son with me. (That's part of his head in the side of the photo). So this man was behaving this way in front of MY CHILD!
Thanks again for this service you provide. I wish I had a photo of the first perv I met - who rubbed his penis against my leg!
Submitted by Brandy.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Creep's Reward
I could hear these two saying vulgar things and laughing as soon as they sat down.
Me: "What can I get you?"
Creep in the green hat: "How about you, sweetheart?"
Nauseating laughter.
So I gave them some of me - a big loogie at the bottom of their beers. Cheers, dickheads.
Submitted by Krystal.
Friday, July 7, 2006
Subway Flasher
Submitted by Jeanette.
Thursday, July 6, 2006
Tell 'em, Sister!
I was walking down Nassau St. when an approaching man stops in his tracks and looks me up and down lasciviously.
"How are you doing? Hot enough for you?"
I stop, turn around to him and say "Don't mess with me today."
"I'm not messing with you."
I respond, "A lot of women don't like it when men they don't know approach
them. It's very scary and it's very rude."
He nods his head and smiles. "Oh, okay. I'm sorry."
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Bigots at NYC Pride
Yesterday I marched in the gay pride parade in NYC, what a blast that was! I felt so sexy all day dressed in a short dress, complete with garter and pink undies, strutting my stuff all over the streets of Manhattan. "Work it girl" and "fabulous" was all I heard all day, and each time it made me beam with pleasure and pride.
Unfortunately, as I was walking home from the night of dancing and fun, I walked by two thirty something white men standing outside a storefront. As if I could smell their chauvinism, I puffed up mychest and accentuated my strut, filled with the pride of the day. One of them called out, "put on some pants." I turned as I strode past them, giving the guy my middle finger in the most vulgar fashion I could while I met his gaze straight on. After working his jaw a few times he came up with a smugly comeback to my 'fuck you' - "You wish you could," he said.
There are only a few times when I remember my brain actually feeling like it was about to boil over, and this was one of them. I was so angry I think I would have fought him if he had dared. I stopped walking and turned my entire body about face to him and said, in my deep, natural voice, "Yeah, that's exactly what I want to do, fuck you in your bigoted ass. Yeah, I want to fuck you in your BIGOTED ass." I continued to stare at him for a few moments. It seemed that he was deciding whether to come after me. I'm not sure why he didn't - perhaps he could sense how angry I was, or maybe he had just then realized that smear the queer wouldn't quite work with me since I was definitely bigger than he was. It also probably helped that there were two other people near us on the sidewalk, one woman who nodded her head at me in support and another woman who scurried by, obviously freaked out by the entire situation.
I left the scene with my emotions still flaring, and wondering if I had done the right thing. I hope I gave him something to think about, being called a bigot to his face. That word was so powerful comingout my lips - the powerful truth, more powerful than any fist I think.
I had a second, less dramatic experience later that same night. Walking by the the south end of Tompkins Square park, a straight couple walked passed me. I heard the man hiss something like "fucking fags" as they walked by. "Shut up!" his girlfriend immediately said, in a tone of moral reprehension. Thank you sister, whoever you are, and I hope you let your boyfriend know that if he can't bear the site of a fag then isn't gonna be seeing you anymore either.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Sleazy Texas 2
This guy was the king of all creeps.. I don't know how he even drove with his eyes glued to us. We finally had the unfortunate luck to pull directly behind him and I'm suprised he didn't rear end someone from looking in the rearview mirror non stop... those beady little eyes in that mirror. Made my skin crawl... All we wanted to do was go home after the Mavs game!
Submitted by Rachel.
Sleazy Texas 1
These fine young gentleman actually hung their heads out of the car like dogs while we drove by. My sister was terrified, but I was determined to catch up and snap a photos of these beauties. I love how there are like three of them...layer upon layer of perverseness.
Submitted by Rachel.
What A Sweet Dad/Happy Mother's Day
Written by Nicole.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
This guy made me WANT to get off the train at 42nd street...
I hopped on the downtown 6 train tonight at about 7:30. It was a very crowded car, and so of course everybody was bumping up against each other. There was an arm against my rear - or so I thought - so I moved up a couple of inches. Then, there it was again. And again. And again. Eventually I realized that it wasn't an arm at all - it was a hand that was getting friendlier and friendlier as the train moved from 51st to 42nd. I kept turning around to give him dirty looks, but I think he took that as an invitation! The more I glared, the more the hand stayed put. When we arrived at the next stop, I moved to the far end of the car and snapped these shots. Faces of the innocent have been blurred, of course.
Submitted by Jenny.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
At New York City's barbeque festival this weekend, the guy in the yellow tee shirt came up to me—out of nowhere—and grabbed my chest, saying that his friend (the one in the orange polo) told him he'd pay him $100 if he did so. At first I laughed it off, but then got angry and realized that if he hadn't been a drunk frat guy, I would have gone straight to the police. Anyway, I did wind up getting him kicked out of the park, but I'd like to share this perv's photo with the world. Thanks!
Submitted by Rachel.
Predator Takes Bus
While riding on the B61 bus, I sat down across from a guy who was staring hard at the ladies on the bus. It was so bad that at one point I felt like saying something to him. I ain't trying to knock a dude for staring but I've never seen anything quite like that before. I got on at Bedford and N7th and this guy was already on. When I got out at Manhattan Ave he was still riding going towards Queens. This motherfucka right here topped the cake. Cat calling, undressing a mom holding her son by the hand....He didn't hide the fact that he was a pervert because he started masturbating right then and there. I kid you not. That's when I decided to go up to him and snap a photo with my camera phone.
Ladies, be safe. This dude is a predator. Study his photo.
Monday, June 12, 2006
World Cup Ballbags - London Street Harassers
On the way we pass these guys drinking in their front garden (which is full of flags for the soccer match) and they are giggling, belching and farting (yuck!!) cause they think that’s funny. One of them makes a noise like ‘Ooooo! Ooooo!’ as we go past but I rise above it.
After we have a few Breezers outside (and no Hugh Grants were in there!) and watch the silly soccer its time to go back to the hotel but I see this lanky guy in shades who was part of that group looking at us and making humping noises. Then I see he is actually grabbing his crotch quite violently and jumping up and down! He’s pretty drunk but I can just hear him shout stuff like ‘play with me mansack!’ and ‘Eat it!’.
That was it – time to Hollaback at this jerk! I put my cameraphone on max zoom from across the street and walked by pretending not to look but I caught him still grabbing and shouting about his ‘sack’. What a loser and it ruined my trip. At least I remembered I’m now empowered to Hollaback at asshats that can’t keep it to themselves!
Submitted by Roxanne.
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Greenpoint Assclown
Worse: going for a walk to get away from the NOISE and get hollered at by a(nother) construction worker who cannot control his 'nads.
Good thing I had my digital camera. Line up ladies, this one is a catch...
Written by Miss Heather.
Fighting Irish Women!
Later that same night, my friend was walking by a guy who put his hand up her skirt... so she boxed him in the face. His girlfriend saw all this and demanded the keys from him. He was sleeping in the rain that night.
Submitted by Ida.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Yup, I'm a bitch. And I don't take it from anybody.
Submitted by Laura.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Street Harasser to Grandpa in 2.5 seconds
Then, I shit you not, he pulls this out of his pocket and hands it to me:
The candy was sugar-free.
- Emily
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
So NOT Necessary!
Written by Brianna.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
King Leer
Submitted by Twisty.