The reason I'm writing is because of something that happened a few month before MY THIRTEENTH BIRTHDAY and I just can't not say anything anymore. It's time for me to finally holla back.
I was working a game on a carnival for the weekend (parents permission of course, the people that owned the game were friends of the family) and it was getting late. I was sitting there talking with another woman ("Lizzy") working that game, waiting for someone to play. Two men in their mid to late 20's asked how much it was to win a prize. Lizzy told them how many points it'd take, etc, the whole time this guy was looking me up and down. Everyone knows that feeling of being undressed with a look. This guy was a pro. Needless to say, this freaked out my 12 yr old self pretty bad. I avoided eye contact, I did my very best to let him know I wasn't interested. Obviously I didn't have much experience at the time with jackoffs like this.
Then he said something in Spanish. Lizzy tilted her head and asked him to say it in English. He then POINTED AT ME, AND ASKED HOW MUCH FOR ME! I felt my face flush deep red and looked away, scared out of my mind. Lizzy was obviously a bit stunned and tried to make it into a joke.
He then played the game a few times, by the time he left, I was watching someone else play with my back the crowd, when I felt the most creepy experience I can remember. I had hair down to my hips at that time and felt a hand go through my hair and down my back, by the time I realized what happened and turned around, I saw the son of a bitch walking away.
I wish I'd known then what I know now. I wish I had had the guts to tell him exactly what to do with himself. It was an extremely degrading experience for a little girl. Lucky for me, I've gotten better at telling a guy to fuck off. Still very disturbing knowing that men like that are still out there are men that are such cowards they victimize little girls.
Written by Marie.